“The Slow Hustle” details the mysterious death of veteran Baltimore police officer, Detective Sean Suiter. As the film lays out, Suiter’s death is just one in a string of corruption claims against Baltimore PD, with Suiter himself marked as a key witness in an upcoming trial. As the various journalists, family members, and others associated with the case lay out, the desire was to sell Suiter as another bad apple in order to get the story squashed. Coincidentally, the trailer is debuting four years to the day that Suiter was killed. HBO continues to weave stark social commentary into compelling narratives, and watching this trailer immediately makes audiences want to watch. This documentary comes hot on the heels of their other recent doc on Black photographer and filmmaker Gordon Parks, “A Choice of Weapons.”

Sohn rose to prominence as an actress as Detective Shakima Greggs on “The Wire,” itself a series looking at the Baltimore police department. While Sohn has done recurring turns on “Burn Notice,” “The Chi,” and “Star Trek: Discovery,” she dazzled audiences with “Baltimore Rising,” her examination of the city in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death. In his review of the feature, IndieWire’s Steve Greene praised Sohn’s nuanced and multilayered approach to the material. “‘Baltimore Rising’ doesn’t confuse hope for complacency. It recognizes that through the various threads that comprise modern Baltimore life, the commitment to racial equality and fostering a culture of safety is an ongoing process. So when the film ends with the first anniversary of Gray’s death, there’s both a spoken and unspoken sense that there’s more work to be done. But ‘Baltimore Rising’ shows a city working to find ways to make sure that work benefits all its citizens.” You can watch the full trailer for “The Slow Hustle” below. “The Slow Hustle” airs December 7 on HBO.

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