Oscar Isaac confessed to surprising “Dune” director Denis Villeneuve by placing his “cock sock” covering in Villeneuve’s pocket. “At one point, when Denis wasn’t looking, I may have left my cock sock in his pocket, just so he had a little bit of me next to him when I left,” Isaac said on Entertainment Weekly’s Awardist podcast. “Just a little, musty handkerchief.” The on-set prank was used to bring some levity after the tense scene in which Isaac’s character Duke Atreides is tortured by nemesis Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård). Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Isaac continued, “So we came up with a few different ideas of what his posture would be. That’s where we came up with that great idea of seeing the bull’s head, this motif that’s been never talked about really or explained. It’s just been traveling along with him as this omen. And then just getting, finally, to have a chance to play with Stellan Skarsgård as the bear, and that was just incredible.” The “Card Counter” star also credited Villeneuve’s take on the sci-fi epic. “Denis just found a way to distill it to its essence, and it’s a really poetic film,” Isaac said. “And I think weirdly enough, for as wild as it is, it just feels like there’s something really personal about it. It’s hard to explain, but I think it’s less about communicating an idea. It’s his emotional expression of what you see on there that just feels like someone’s vision. It really does.” And, what could be more personal than an intimate covering? According to Isaac, not much else. Plus, since “Dune” concluded with a promise that it’s “only the beginning,” we may see even more of a striped-down Isaac in the future. “Dune” is now streaming and also available on VOD.