While “Home Alone” director Chris Columbus told Insider last year that he was against removing Trump’s appearance in the sequel (“Should he be cut out of the movie? No, because it’s all anybody talks about,” the filmmaker said in December), Culkin has spent the last week on Twitter showing support to the various Twitter users calling for Trump’s removal. The actor told one user he was “sold” on the idea to replace Trump in the film, and commented “bravo” on another user who re-edited Trump’s cameo scene to remove the president.

Columbus said in December that Trump “bullied” his way into appearing in “Home Alone 2,” forcing his appearance in the film as payback for allowing the production to shoot in the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. “When we screened it for the first time, the oddest thing happened – people cheered when Trump showed up on screen,” Columbus said. “So I said to my editor, ‘Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.’” Back in 2019, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) went viral for removing Trump’s cameo scene from “Home Alone 2” while airing the movie on Christmas Day. Despite fans championing the CBC for ridding “Home Alone 2” of Trump, the studio said the decision to cut the cameo was not politically motivated and was instead because of a time and scheduling issue. Trump mocked the CBC on Twitter at the time, writing, ““I guess Justin [Trudeau] doesn’t much like my making him pay up on NATO or Trade! The movie will never be the same! (just kidding).” Whether or not Columbus agrees with Culkin that Trump should be removed from “Home Alone 2” following the Capitol attack remains to be seen. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.