After the events of the series finale, Dexter moved on, settling into the small town of Iron Lake, New York. He spends his days dancing, working in a store, and hanging out with town sheriff, Angela (Julia Jones). But when a child goes missing and bodies turn up, it’s hard for Dexter not to get involved. Along the way, there’s his (ghostly?) sister, Deb (Jennifer Carpenter), and a reunion with his grown son, Harrison (Jack Alcott).

In the time since “Dexter” ended, a lot of shows sought to fill the twisty drama’s void, and this newest trailer feels like a lot of those shows. The killer being associated with big rigs immediately draws comparisons to ABC’s “Big Sky” (itself set in a remote town that feels similar to Iron Lake), while the concept of a fugitive investigating crimes is reminiscent of the series “Banshee.” It’ll be interesting to see how “Dexter: New Blood” tries to be as innovative as the original series while still drawing on the characters of the past. (I mean, Deb’s got to be a ghost, right?) Related ‘George and Tammy’: What’s Actually True in Showtime’s Series? ‘Yellowjackets’ Lands Season 3 Renewal – 3 Months Ahead of Season 2 Premiere Related ‘Lift Me Up’ Rises to Frontrunner Status in Best Original Song Race 2023 Oscars: ‘Avatar’ Is the One to Beat in Visual Effects
During the series’ recent panel for the Television Critics Association, the cast and creators emphasized that though “New Blood” is a sequel to the original series, they intended to have the upcoming special event season stand on its own and did not rely on the same visual style or spend excessive time exploring what Dexter had been doing in the years since the end of the original show. “We don’t spend a great deal of time in a flashback or anything like that in regard to where Dexter has been,” Hall said. “We’re led to believe that he has been somewhat nomadic. He’s doing more than just existing. He’s cobbling together a semblance of a normal life and has been skirting along the edge of the western to northern border of the country.” Watch the full trailer below. “Dexter: New Blood” premieres November 7 on Showtime.

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