The animated series, which sees Plaza voicing a woman who tries to shield her daughter from the knowledge that her father is actually Satan (voiced by Danny DeVito), has become a hot topic in certain fringe Christian communities. The outrage surrounding the series is primarily the result of a series of viral Facebook posts accusing the show of having Satanic messages and promoting paganism and the Antichrist. In a new interview with Deadline, Plaza was asked about the controversy surrounding the show. She’s aware of the backlash, but isn’t particularly bothered by it. If anything, she thinks the free publicity might end up being beneficial.

“I had heard about it, yes,” Plaza said. “And it’s not the first time that a project I’ve done has created some kind of backlash in the Christian community. ‘The Little Hours’ was the first movie that I produced, and I believe the Catholic Review or something called the movie ‘trash, pure trash.’ We put that on the poster. If ‘Little Demon’ was an independent film, we’d probably do the same thing for that. It’s an adult cartoon. Everybody calm down.” Many critics would agree that “Little Demon” isn’t worth getting upset over, considering how conventional it appears to be. In his review of the show, IndieWire’s Ben Travers asked “Why does ‘Little Demon’ have to conform so quickly to templates established elsewhere? If the answer is, ‘to embody them before satirizing them’ I’ll tune back in, but the wannabe edgy comedy is already a little too comfortable with its three-person family dynamic. Seeing Satan escort Chrissy through an underworld filled with floating bodies that fart bubbles and game shows designed to satisfy the bloodlust of actual hellhounds is diverting, sure, but it’s far less compelling than less-conforming options.” Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.