“I had to do this incredibly technical experiment, re-creating every scene, shot for shot,” Snyder told Vulture about the process earlier this month. “My visual-effects supervisor, Marcus Taormina, did the work of taking Chris completely out of the movie so Tig could have freedom [to move] within the scenes.”

Reguera was the sole cast member to return for “Army of the Dead” reshoots because inserting Notaro into the scenes Reguera shared with D’Elia didn’t work. The actress revealed to Insider which two scenes were the only ones in the movie to feature Notaro opposite a real person. “The scene where I drop off the gas canisters on the roof,” Reguera said. “I shot that originally with Chris so we had to reshoot that. And the scene where the heist is being explained by the team in a warehouse. Originally Chris was standing next to me, and he’s so tall, and Tig might be shorter than me, so I had to be there for her shooting that scene just to get the eye lines right.” Reguera added, “[Notaro] saw the movie before doing her reshoots so she saw it eight months before any of us had. So I was like, ‘Did you like the movie? Is it good?’ And she was like, ‘Yes, it’s actually very good.’ And it gave me relief because Tig seems like someone who wouldn’t lie about that. She’s going to be honest.” While Reguera got to meet Notaro, other “Army of the Dead” cast members such as Dave Bautista did not. The characters played by Bautista and Notaro share many scenes together, including a climactic helicopter escape scene, but Notaro was digitally inserted into all of those moments. “It was weird, because, you know, I wasn’t there. [Laughs.] And when I watch it, I feel like I was there,” Bautista recently said about watching a movie with a co-star he never acted with. “There’s a connection that’s missing there. But I don’t feel like the movie misses a beat. Anybody who doesn’t know that that’s the case won’t pick up on it at all. Tig fits right in, and her chemistry fits right in.” “Army of the Dead” is now streaming on Netflix. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.